Travel management reporting at its very best

Flexible reporting covering every aspect of your business travel in a few clicks.

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Advanced travel and expense dashboards

Get access to reporting that’s as flexible as you need it to be. Break data down by person, transport type, booking type, cancellations, recoverable VAT, and more.

Configure and schedule reports or alerts focussing on the data you need to make informed travel management decisions.

Export your reports and give other teams a visual overview on how you’re spending money, if you’re under or over budget, as well as your carbon emission output and offsetting efforts.

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Finance teams love TravelPerk for:

  • VAT insights: generate reports based on recoverable VAT, and predict the potential end-of-year savings from looking after VAT spend
  • Account management: premium TravelPerk account holders get access to an account manager to help tailor reports, read data and make financial decisions to save your business money
  • Break down by cost: it’s important to see percentages, but TravelPerk reports have the option to break everything down by cost in one holistic visual. See how you’re distributing your travel budget between teams, transport, business trip locations, and more

Why users love TravelPerk

Here’s why thousands of companies have chosen TravelPerk to manage their business travel!

  • Instant platform setup
  • $0 setup fee & no hidden costs
  • 15s target response time for customer support
  • 80% of the cost back for cancelled trips
  • Claim 25% of your travel VAT
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Set up travel restriction alerts on destinations important to you

Great travel management is about minimizing risk. The TravelCare solution is a free add-on for every plan, bringing you updates and alerts on country-specific guidelines, airstrikes, health risks, and more.

Travel in comfort and give your team the ability to cancel ahead of time if they need to at no cost. Plus, TravelCare updates travelers and managers, saving unnecessary communication in times of change and when travelers are on the go.

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Travel management reporting goes green with GreenPerk

Empower your business to offset CO2 emissions spent on business travel, and report on it just as you would with travel spend.

The GreenPerk carbon footprint report is downloadable, can configure alerts when your business reaches goals, and you can schedule it regularly to land in your inbox.

Get a clear overview of your business’s CO2 emissions by flight routes and hotel stays, as well as the cost spent on offsetting your carbon emissions. It’s time to offset what you leave behind and operate with a green footprint.

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Track your travelers across the globe

Give travel managers a crisp, clean overview of whom they’ve got on the go, where they are in the world, and how they’re traveling. Let travel managers navigate an interactive map and stay up to date on an entire teams’ business trip progress.

Travel at ease with an entire support team behind you

Thousands of companies already travel with us Join us

Integrations for easy business travel management

Make your business travel work like magic

Or in other words, this is how our business travel management platform makes everyone, from travel managers to business travelers, happy.

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The most complete business travel platform

Everything in one place

Book, manage and report on business travel with our integrated online booking tool.

Industry-leading inventory

Access the best fares and enjoy competitive rates for airfare, rail, car rental, and accommodation worldwide.

Flexibility & safety

Get the latest travel alerts & safety information. Cancel or change what you need up to two hours before your booking and get an 80% refund.

24/7 world-class customer support

Be attended by people, not robots, with a target 15-second response time!

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Leading travel management company by user review platform G2

Make your business travel work like magic with the all-in-one platform that travelers and managers love. Let’s get you back on the road!

Take your corporate travel reporting to the next level.

Request a free demo today.

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Frequently asked questions

Who can have access to the travel reports?

Only users registered as Admins or Analysts can access the travel reporting page. They can also manage the company settings, set travel policies, view and download invoices, and track ongoing trips.

Are all the reports exportable?

All reports that are available under your plan can be exported in CSV or PDF format.

Do I have to pay an extra fee for any 3rd party integrations?

All integrations are available with Pro and Premium accounts at no additional cost.

Is it possible to set up alerts ?

Yes, it is possible to set up alerts! You can schedule reports to be sent over as frequently as you need, and you can even select a specific time for those reports to arrive. You can also get alerts for travel incidents happening in real time on any upcoming or ongoing trip.