Share the Pressure
People from the Black African and Caribbean community are more likely to develop high blood pressure but are they are less likely to get the support they need to manage their condition.

Share the Pressure [PDF 7,704KB]Share the Pressure [PDF 7,704KB]
This free poster / leaflet can be printed out for use anywhere by individuals, community organsiations or health services serving people in the Black African and Caribbean community.
Why is this poster needed?
People from the Black African and Caribbean community are more likely to develop high blood pressure but are they are less likely to get the support they need to manage their condition.
This free poster was created as part of our Share The Pressure project:
Share The Pressure provides specific tools and support for the Black African and Caribbean community and the health care professionals that work with them. It is a collaboration between The Race Equality Foundation, Blood Pressure UK, Younger Lives and Smart Health Solutions, and is funded by the Burdett Trust.